Culture Change
12 March 2025
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Practical Culture Change: two easy ways
by Jan Lundberg   
25 January 2011
First, a timely offer from author David Cundiff, MD, that goes toward sustaining our work:

Unless collapse comes immediately, the U.S. has a small chance to quickly re-utilize its resources and community power: the Health Economy. As you might have understood from our article on David's new book The Health Economy, his approach could be the most tangible and progressive culture change opportunity in a generation or since the Great Depression. Buy the book now for $10 on our donation page, and all the proceeds go to Culture Change.

by Jan Lundberg   
13 January 2011
Please see the updated article on Jan Lundberg's new autobiography. Thank you.
Listen to the Gary Null Show, NYC radio, with Jan Lundberg
by Jan Lundberg   
13 January 2011
Interest is growing regarding collapse and the end of the U.S. empire. On The Gary Null Show on January 14th we discussed this as well as peak oil, climate, relocalizing economies, skills, resisting the system, conviviality, and the environmental movement. Listen or download at

The show was live at 12:30 PM EST on WNYE-NPR (91.5 FM, NYC), WBAI-FM (99.5 FM, NYC, Pacifica Radio), and the Progressive Radio Network online

Greeting the Fall of the Empire: a Message of Peace
by Jan Lundberg   
03 January 2011
ImageSelf-editor's note: I have been lagging on offering criticism of two popular revolutionary authors who have included me their books. I finally did it, within a more important context. - JL

Please join me in greeting the fall of the U.S. Empire, a healthy way to begin this new year. It is a positive sentiment among some thoughtful Americans. Their ungiddy feeling flows from observation of world developments and the state of the U.S. political system and economy. The timetable is fuzzy, but trends are clear.

The Techno-Fantasies of Evo Morales: The Consequences of Modernization
by Chellis Glendinning   
24 December 2010
ImageCochabamba, Bolivia

On 22 January 2006, newly inaugurated President Evo Morales made his exuberant procession through the streets of La Paz to join the throngs of supporters awaiting him in the Plaza de los Héroes. To the excited crowds, Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano announced that the historic event signaled “the end of fear.” Vice-president Álvaro Garcia Linera shouted that, in the new government, poor Bolivianos would be given equality at last.

Three Car-Free Ways of Existence to Choose from
by Jan Lundberg   
23 December 2010
- RE-UPDATED - Art contest for depicting lifestyles DONE
We have the winners for our Lifestyles #1, #2 and #3 depicted for our Three Car-Free Ways of Existence. Joining Greg Jalbert's successful entries for #1 and #2 is Woody Barlettani for Lifestyle #3, the ecovillage hunter-gatherer. The winners received Jan Lundberg's new book
Songs of Petroleum.

#1: A bus rider in a big U.S. city trundles along on a polyester-petroleum covered metal or plastic seat,

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Culture Change mailing address: P.O. Box 3387, Santa Cruz, California, 95063, USA, Telephone 1-215-243-3144 (and fax).
Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute (formerly Fossil Fuels Policy Action), a nonprofit organization.
Some articles are published under Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. See Fair Use Notice for more information.